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2018 Posts

  1. Article post type

    VueConf US

    Agile design systems in Vue

    I’ve been excited about Vue.js since Sarah Drasner first showed me the basics. Since then, we’ve started using it for client work at OddBird, and I’m constantly impressed by the power and simplicity – so it was a real honor being invited to speak at the first VueConf US in…

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  2. Sample organized color swatches with hex and hsl values
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    Herman Style Guides

    An agile approach to design systems on a budget

    Design systems streamline development, communication, and consistency – but often rely on dedicated teams and extended budgets. We wanted a tool to create and maintain living style guides & pattern libraries in an agile process, and on a budget. Herman helps keep our development flow simple, and our UX consistent…

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  1. Link post type

    18 Designers Predict UI/UX Trends for 2018

    Figma asked 18 designers (including me) what UI/UX trends they predict for 2018. December, with its flurry of holiday parties, cheery out-of-office auto-replies and introspective weather patterns, provided the perfect opportunity to pause and survey the landscape.

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  2. Jump Start Sass, by Miriam Suzanne and Kitty Giraudel
    Link post type

    How to Write Beautiful Sass

    Excerpt from Jump Start Sass, chapter 11

    Clean, beautiful code should be a goal in every project. If other developers need to make a change, they should be able to read what is there and understand it. Readable code is the core of maintainability. This excerpt from Miriam’s book, Jump Start Sass will help get you started…

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  3. Viewport size diagram
    Article post type

    Media Queries & Grid Settings

    Practical media helpers for Susy3

    Most grids change with the viewport – and Susy needs new settings at each breakpoint. Susy3 is designed without mixins for complete flexibility from project to project, but it can be useful to build additional tools and shortcuts as you go. Here are some snippets to help you get started…

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  4. Bar graph chart
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    More CSS Charts, with Grid & Custom Properties

    Inspired by Robin Rendle, I demonstrate some of my early experiments combining CSS Grids and custom properties to create dynamic layouts and data-visualizations.

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  5. see all Article posts
    Flexible grid column layout
    Article post type

    Welcome to Susy3!

    Make grid systems your fallback plan

    We’re excited to introduce Susy 3.0, a major update to our popular grid-math calculator – now more focused and flexible than ever. Susy was designed to make layout math easy, without forcing you into generic patterns and ugly markup. But grid systems are on the way out, replaced by real CSS layout specs that live in the browser. With Susy3, we want to help make that a smooth transition.

  6. Narrow and wide spread column math
    Article post type

    Understanding ‘Spread’ in Susy3

    Susy 3.0 will be released in the next week, if all goes well, and there’s a lot to write about it. I wanted to start with a detailed overview of one core concept: spread.

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  7. Mechanical neck drawing
    Link post type

    Stop Being Productive

    It’s time to re-think what we’re measuring

    Miriam reflects on the nature and value of productivity for the SuperYesMore series: The Human in the Machine.

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  8. CSS-Tricks
    Link post type

    Fun with Viewport Units

    Viewport units have been around for several years now, with near-perfect support in the major browsers, but I keep finding new and exciting ways to use them. I thought it would be fun to review the basics, and then round-up some of my favorite use-cases.

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  9. Workspace
    Article post type

    Event: Live Q&A with OddBird

    Are you a startup founder looking to develop a new web app, or a company interested in expanding your web services? Here’s your chance to ask all those questions that keep you up at night.

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    Old photograph of operators
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    Django, Background Processes, and Keeping Users in the Loop

    When you have out-of-band processing in a web app, how do you let users know that the status of a task has changed? Depending on your front-end client, there are a few different approaches you might take.

  11. Name tags
    Article post type

    Three Names to Include in Your User Model

    (None of them is the username)

    The term “username” is ambiguous. When designing a user model there are several kinds of names that are useful to include.

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  12. Old phone
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    Making Function Calls Across Sass Versions

    You don’t need safe-get-function utilities

    The Sass 3.5 Release Candidate includes support for first-class functions. What are they, how do we use them, and what tools can we use to future-proof our Sass toolkits in advance?

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  13. Spam semi truck
    Article post type

    Blocking Analytics Spam

    Google Analytics is great for gathering data on who uses your web application, but becomes worthless if spam sessions start infesting your data. Here’s how we’ve tried to combat the problem for

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