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David Glick

Python & JavaScript developer @ OddBird from

David is a Python and JavaScript developer, database designer, and prolific core-contributor to the Plone CMS.

David is an OddBird Emeritus who co-led our server-side development – managing code architecture, database design, and deployment. He has been building web-based software in Python and JavaScript for over a decade. A prolific contributor to the Plone web content management system, he enjoys learning new tools – most recently React, elasticsearch, and the Pyramid web framework. When he’s not coding, David can be found experimenting in the kitchen.

Open Source


Color contrast checker with Oklch, Oklab, P3, and more

OddContrast is a color format converter, featuring newer color formats like Oklch, Oklab, and the Display P3 color space. It’s also a color contrast checker to help designers meet WCAG 2 accessibility standards.

HTML & CSS Polyfills

Popover, CSS Anchor Positioning, Cascade Layers

Along with our work for the W3C developing specifications for the CSS language, OddBird has started and maintains a number of powerful polyfills for new web platform features including the Popover attribute, CSS Anchor Positioning, and Cascade Layers.


Automated style guides

Design systems streamline development, communication, and consistency – but often rely on dedicated teams and extended budgets. We wanted a tool that helps create and maintain living style guides & pattern libraries in an agile process, and on a budget. Herman helps you keep your development process simple – and your UX consistent – as you scale over time.


Integrated design-system management in Sass

OddBird’s Accoutrement tools help keep design tokens meaningful to both humans and machines – opening the door for automation, while improving readability. These tools also integrate with Herman, our automated pattern-library generator.


Unit-testing for Sass developers

True is the only full-featured unit-testing framework designed specifically for the Sass language. Write your tests in Sass, compile them with Sass, and then (optionally) pass the results to a Javascript test-runner for command-line control and reporting.


  1. Name tags
    Article post type

    Three Names to Include in Your User Model

    (None of them is the username)

    The term “username” is ambiguous. When designing a user model there are several kinds of names that are useful to include.

    see all Article posts
  2. Style written on sketchbook page
    Article post type

    Generating Code Documentation for Polyglot Projects

    Code documentation is ideally written as close to the actual code as possible, but compiled into a comprehensive set of documentation that includes code from all languages in use. Here’s how we intend to do that.

    see all Article posts
  3. David speaking about his slide showing legos and toy car
    Talk post type

    Greater Than the Sum of Parts

    Integrating Pyramid, React, & Plone

    • – Boston, MA

      Plone Digital Experience Conference

    see all Talks & Workshops